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School Partnerships

We are excited to launch our Virtual School Partnerships program.

Our goal is to create self-sustaining wellness ecosystems, where student communities are empowered in mental flourishing and leadership through youth participation and support from staff. 


We work with your youth to empower change

Our experienced youth staff will work with your pastoral staff and students to assess, co-design and delivery mental health programming specific to your community needs. 

What we do is empower your community with the adaptable skills they need to explore and share mental health tools as they progress through life. 

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Mental Health Programming

By Youth For Youth: learn about youth mental health through discussion-based workshops,

educational modules, experiential activities and engaging talks.

Mental Health Education

Learn essential self-help and peer-support tools to facilitate mental wellness, accessibility, diversity, inclusion and equity across campus.

Youth Leadership Training

Be empowered to use your lived experience and develop core skills for advisory, advocacy and other leadership roles.

Peer Support

Experience peer support through open conversation and holistic wellness activities such as evidence-based mindfulness practices.

Future Offerings

Coming up are more education modules, exam destressors, workshops for staff, specialty events and and academic advising.

Get in Touch

21/F, The Phoenix, 23 Luard Rd,

Wan Chai, Hong Kong

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